awakening with ease book



Awakening with Ease: A Simple Direct Path for Wise Women Leaders, Mindful Entrepreneurs, Immigrants, Minorities and Seekers.

The author wondered at age ten whether Einstein or Buddha was a better role model for life and work. Twenty-two years later, she quit her stressful job to find her own path to awakening, drawing inspiration from the Buddha’s teachings. Barua offers a new vision for a love-based, mindful paradigm that embraces the power of the wise, intuitive heart and the wisdom of the feminine.

This paradigm calls for a simpler path of awakening that sees reality clearly and moves away from false narratives of power, victimhood, ego, sexism, racism, and sectarianism. Barua encourages people to break free from conditioned habits of fear, greed, hatred, and war, and instead live with the intention of awakening for the happiness of all beings and peace on Earth. Be the change you want to see, part of a transformative solution, and a beacon for the conscious evolution of self, society, economy, and democracy via locally inspired AWE Circles.

Wainwright Global Institute of Professional Coaching collaborated with 15 of their Certified Professional Coaches to create the Power of Life Coaching, the seminal book for individuals who are curious about coaching and what the experience of coaching can do for them. Each author shares their diverse life changing experiences that describe the powerful transformation that naturally unfolds during the coaching process, both for themselves and for their clients. You will learn about the different genres of coaching, how coaching will bring to light your inner-most goals, dreams and desires, so you can easily expand your awareness of your life-purpose now.



Most of the authors in this anthology are writing about their personal experience of “darkness” and what they learned from it. You will read stories about healings of body, mind, spirit, relationship, and financial challenge. Some of these healings came painfully, others in a pleasant sort of way, and still others on a wave of laughter. As you will discover that whatever way we become awakened in our own “dark wood”, the operative word is awakened, and that is ultimately good.



Growing up in a minority Buddhist home in Calcutta, amid a sea of poverty and suffering, I felt great joy and relief as a child that Buddha has discovered a way out of dukkha! My childhood imagination also took flight with the opening lines of Dhammapada, “we are what we think”. Our thoughts create our experience (reality). My first thought was how could the thought inside our heads create reality outside? Or how would Buddha know the truth of ultimate reality without the help of science or technology? I had to leave them aside, since dhamma was not part of school curriculum. In college I had the option to study economics as a science subject, but it hardly gave me any insight into causes of growing economic disparity between rich and poor and developed and developing nations.



As a child I become confused between the teachings of science through Einstein and the world of spirituality through Buddha. Which role model was I to follow? Thus, began my life’s path to gain the knowledge of science while understanding the wisdom of Buddha and finding the way to bridge the two. This writing is designed to help understand that gap and design a way to close it.

I felt a great surge of joy and delight, when I received a very heavy ‘Children’s Book of Knowledge’ as a birthday gift when I turned 10 years old. This book sparked many curiosities and questions within me. I had a dilemma between who to choose as my role model for my life-long learning education and knowledge, should it be Einstein as the leading scientist of modern time or the Enlightened Buddha, of the the ancient times? Which mode of observation would close this gap in knowledge between the more solid external material world of senses and the ever changing inner subjective world of feeling, perception, impulses, memory and consciousness? Somehow I knew, ignorance is the cause of all human suffering.